Spiritual Direction
Listening for the voice of God together...
Life is busy with many distractions and demands. It can be hard to find someone who will listen to us deeply with undivided attention and without trying to fix us. Someone who will simply let us “be.”
Spiritual direction hosts a sacred time of trust in which we are able to slow down and be honest about our lived experiences with no fear of judgement. In this contemplative space of hospitality, we can discover how God is present in the midst of our everyday lives and how the Spirit may be inviting us to respond. Spiritual directors are not people who have got everything figured out. Rather, they are fellow companions on life’s journey who have discovered for themselves the power and gift of simple presence.
“Listening is much more than allowing another to talk while waiting for a chance to respond. Listening is paying full attention to others and welcoming them into our very beings. The beauty of listening is that those who are listened to start feeling accepted, start taking our words more seriously and discovering their true selves."
Henri Nouwen
What is Spiritual Direction?
Essentially, the job of the spiritual director is to create and hold a sacred space in which you as the directee, can pay attention to the ways in which God is present in your life.
Forms of spiritual direction are found across religious traditions and spiritual directors vary in their perspectives and training. My own is rooted in the Christian faith and the ministry is one that is ancient, going back to the early church. It is not the work of spiritual direction to advise or problem solve. Neither is it a therapeutic relationship such as in counseling.
What is the Process of Spritual Direction?
The process is simple. The Spiritual Director, through intent listening and asking questions, helps you to reflect on your relationship with yourself, others, and with God. The job is not to provide answers nor to give advice although sometimes, you may invite advice. Rather, the Spiritual Director is a guide that accompanies you on a journey of awakening to the presence and activity of the Divine in your life.
Confidentiality is honored within the spiritual direction relationship.
The following two images help to encapsulate the work of a spiritual director...
The Spiritual Director is a companion-guide accompanying you as a traveler. At times the road is straight and at others, it turns sharply and you are unable to see anything beyond the bend. Then there are times when the road forks off into multiple paths. Whatever the nature of the journey, the companion-guide faithfully walks alongside you, paying attention to the way and the surroundings. Often, there will be silence, for the simple act of presence is enough. On other occasions, the guide perhaps points out features of the landscape and/or makes connections that cause you to slow down, notice, and wonder. Curiosity arises which may lead to questions with few if any answers. And that's the beauty. In spiritual direction, no pathway is off-limits for exploration.
The Director helps you see those parts of yourself and your experiences that are obscured by your outer world or lie buried beneath many layers. In this image, the director acts as a reflector, clarifying, and summarizing your own thoughts and feelings. You begin to see yourself and your experiences in various shades of light and shadow. It is important to understand that it is not the job of the director to chase away the shadows, otherwise known as problem-solving or advice-giving. Rather, the director allows you to see what perhaps you did not see before. Slowly, you wake up to the treasure that has always been in and with you.
The Ministry of Spiritual Direction...
Helping you become aware of the sacred within the ordinary everyday happenings of your life.
Providing space for you to express your doubts, questions, and fears.
Helping you to become aware of your giftings that you can offer in the service of others.
Enabling you to discern vocational pathways and other life decisions.
Bringing to light an inner struggle with which you are grappling.
Bringing to light God's care when circumstances are difficult.
Drawing attention to emotions or experiences which could be a key to the awareness of God’s work and presence in your life.
Helping you draw closer to God through your prayer life.